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Three Points

Financial Coaching

Manage your income, eliminate debt and save for your financial goals

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Your Journey

You may be anxious about money. You may be living paycheck to paycheck, wrestling with debt, or concerned you aren’t prepared for retirement.  With our guidance, you will gain the knowledge and discipline to manage your income, eliminate debt and achieve financial peace.

Bridge Over River
Wheat Field


Shaped by Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University

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Financial success requires establishing targets and priorities.  For a married couple this means shared targets and priorities.  For couples and individuals it means behavior must align with a plan that aligns with priorities.

Debt is a Burden

Debt is a burden; a hinderance to you achieving your goals.  It takes over your income and prevents you from building wealth.  It eliminates your freedom.  Debt makes you a slave to the lender, and to your job.

Behavior Over Math

Many people believe money management is a math problem.  Math is involved, but the problem is behavior.  Achieving your financial goals requires focus and discipline.


Services that provide you both the knowledge and confidence  required to achieve your financial goals.

Initial Consultation

The first step is a 30-60 minute phone call.  The majority of that time will be spent understanding your current situation, issue(s) and desired outcomes.   At the end of this session we will let you know if and how we can help.  This step is free with no obligation on your part, and can be scheduled by clicking the button on this page.

Building a Foundation

In  the first month we  will  establish a foundation for  the rest  of your journey.  We will  build a budget together, and discuss the best ways  to work with it on an ongoing basis.  We will also  talk about a number of principles that will shape your financial behavior, including the challenges of debt and the importance  of intentionality.

Ongoing Coaching

Services are structured as a monthly subscription service, with a typical duration being six months.   Each month, our clients receive a minimum one hour call (or video chat) to review progress toward their goals, discuss any issues or challenges, and discuss steps for the coming 30 days.  Questions throughout the month or requests for additional phone calls are encouraged.

Wandering Traveler
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Our Story

We have been married since 1991 and lived the majority of that time in Round Rock, TX.  Like most people, we made mistakes with money.   We bought things we didn’t need, borrowed more than we should, and didn’t save enough toward major goals.  Our biggest mistake was not being on the same page regarding money.  Brad spent hours creating budgets and tracking spending, but he did not include Jennifer in the process.  As a result, she didn’t see the budget as “hers”.   This went on for years, her feeling left out of the process, and him resenting that she wouldn’t adhere to a plan.


Then we took a class at our church called Financial Peace University.  We learned how to work together on our financial decisions.  Since that time we resolved our debts, sent two boys to college, paid for our home and funded retirement.   


We are coordinators for Financial Peace University and Certified Ramsey Financial Coaches.  We are debt-free, living in our country home and looking forward to retirement.    She has opened a travel  agency, and he coaches people to financial freedom.  

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